windows 您所在的位置:网站首页 login name can only be windows


2023-07-25 10:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I know this is a very old question, but I also know that people are still having problems with this. The top answer did touch on this at the very end of their post, but I don't think enough emphasis was put on how important this really is. The issue is Windows XP runs off of SMB 1.0 and does not support SMB 2.0. Windows 10 runs off of SMB 2.0 and does not support SMB 1.0 without enabling it in add / remove programs. This is a fundamental mismatch between the two operating systems. On the Windows 10 system, hold your Windows logo key and press R, type in appwiz.cpl and hit enter. Click on "Turn Windows features on or off" and scroll down to SMB 1.0. Click the + next to it and enable SMB 1.0/CIFS client then wait till it finishes and reboot. Keep in mind, this will introduce a security vulnerability on the Windows 10 system, but you will need to do this to access any shares on that Windows XP system. From there you should be able to map up by computer name or IP address. If computer name doesn't work, it's likely a failure in your router and it will need to be rebooted. Personally, I prefer mapping everything by IP address. If that still does not work, you may need to provide credentials on the Windows 10 machine to connect to the XP machine.






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